Tag Archives: “portrait photography”

Black & White vs Colour

The argument for Black & White in photography is that it removes a distraction, the link colour has to reality. It focuses the viewer’s eye & mind on texture, form and tonality. Black and White is the medium’s true language, a way of seeing that doesn’t exist elsewhere. As such, Black & White helps move photography from a record of reality into an interpretation of reality, in other words – an art… On the one hand I do agree with this interpretation. On the other, I still love colour photography too… Make up your own mind, which do you prefer?

Fooling around with Dad

At last! A lockdown-lifted chance to visit my Dad. And a chance to put some of the lockdown off camera flash practice to the test. And a bit of acting into the bargain: A calm photo, and then a barmy one. Moses excoriating the unbelievers…

(the calm one…)

Prophet out of the gloom…!

Taking inspiration from the 60s…

Lockdown hasn’t been easy for a landscape photographer… So I’ve been branching out, and taking on one of those photo areas that I’ve previously shied away from, portrait photography using flash. And it’s been lots of fun! Press-ganging the family into posing. Here’s Immy looking very like Twiggy, make up, pose, expression, the lot. She is quite the actress…

Family in lockdown…

Lockdown. Weeks and weeks of it. Time to learn something new, so I’m learning flash photography. And the family is being press-ganged into posing for me, including the dog…

Immy likes to strike a pose…

I have an actress for a daughter, and she loves to strike a pose… Spot the onlooker!


Wonderful to see Immy happy again!

Photos from Rousillon, Luberon, France. Aug 2018

Intimations of mortality

Looking at oneself is always an odd experience. Not in the fleeting way you glance at yourself in the mirror early morning when you’re brushing your teeth, but more when you really look, stare at yourself… You see things you know are there. And of course a camera makes you look in the most excoriating way. As a photographer, I quite dislike seeing myself in photographs. Too uncomfortable. Intimations of mortality and all that. Better to photograph the next generation, the youngsters. They might dislike being photographed (in Charles’s case, rather intensely), but at least they look good!



Sri Lankan Faces

Sri Lanka is a wonderful country, full of colour, vibrancy and beautiful scenery. Here are some faces of the people we met over our 10 days in this fascinating country…

A young Tamil tea picker


A fire eater…


Ladies by the roadside


A gardener


The local butcher


A monk and his Mercedes


Tea picker in Ella

Faces of the future

I did a shoot at a theatre company the other day. I loved the eagerness of the actors – the faces of the future. Here they are, blimey they look so young!









Lake Windermere and dogs…

We’ve decided at long last to get a dog. So, whilst on a quick trip to the Lake District, we rated every dog that we passed, with a view to working out which actual dog we want. We got some weird looks as dog walkers strolled past and we would call out “four”, seven”, “eight”, “two”… I just want a dog that likes coming with me early doors on my photography trips. Anyway, here’s a few pics from Lake Windermere, as I said, early doors.








Dog photos will no doubt follow…

An hour or two at Westfield

Shopping isn’t really my thing (Mrs P and Ms P make up for my lack of enthusiasm). But occasionally I get press-ganged and I end up in that consumerist mecca like Westfield. How best to kill a couple of hours?



Take some photos of course! I decided to check out the Westfield sales staff and do some portrait image-making. Pretty much all of them were lovely and welcoming. Take this lady for example. She offered me a water massage (for a tenner)… And the gent below had the most delicious tea I’ve ever tasted. It was also the most expensive tea I’ve ever tasted…


Tea boy_small

Sky TV checked out the football score for me & showed me all the new tech. He couldn’t sell me anything even if he had tried – I spend a lot with Sky already… No wonder he is beaming.

Sky man_small


But most fun was had at the Tesla showroom. First, I loved the car (I want one!). Second, the staff were full of cheeky beans, and it shows…





Maybe shopping at Westfield isn’t that bad after all…