Category Archives: Thai

Spice Up Your (Thai) Life!

Goong Pad Kari, honestly…

My wife, being a thoroughly modern woman, busy with career, running marathons, catching up with friends etc etc, leaves all the cooking to me. Which is fine! I hasten to add. Because I quite enjoy it.

Good colours…

But even I do get bored a bit, of the same old, same old recipes. So, for 10 weeks on a Saturday morning, I’ve been going to a Thai cookery course at our local school. To spice things up a bit, you understand.

Wok action!

Ever since I was a student, living with a Chinese guy who taught me how to cook rice properly, I’ve been fond of Eastern flavours. And Thai is the best, the freshest, the zingy-est . I just love it. Thai Fish cakes, Masman curries, Pad Thai – we’re working our way through the classic Thai repertoire.

Salmon and Snake beans (+ Kaffir lime leaves)

Eh voila! the resultant fish cakes…

Back-packers favourite – Pad Thai!

My favourite – Masman curry

Our teacher is Surat, born in Udon, northern Thailand. She knows how to wield her wicked looking chopping knives, and she never tires of our really basic questions (can you freeze this? can you reheat that? Can you get the other in Tesco’s?). I wonder if she ever does Spag Bol at home, just for a change?

Getting stuck in

Wok Wizardry

and more magic

We’re 10 in the class, and the ratio is about 3 women to 1 man – again, fine by me… Pretty good showing by the blokes, I think! Shows that I’m not the only one who has to do all the cooking at home (…)

Ooops, too many beans – watch out for Surat!

Digging in.

What an ace way to spend an hour on a Saturday morning. And the best is I go home with the dinner already cooked, leaving me more time to enjoy a glass of wine.

Laab (beef salad to you and me)

Jeez, this is the bit I hate! and the wife doesn’t do this either!!!

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Foodies’ Paradise in Girona, Spain