Tag Archives: flash

Family in lockdown…

Lockdown. Weeks and weeks of it. Time to learn something new, so I’m learning flash photography. And the family is being press-ganged into posing for me, including the dog…

Mooserwirt Madness!!!

Normally, I dedicate this blog to the pure aesthetics of fine art photography… But I must admit I have slipped from such lofty heights and succumbed to snip snappy shots on this one occasion. The reason? Ah, well that would be the annual half term skiing trip, where cameras do not mix so well with snow, skis, adrenaline, and on this occasion…., booze.

Aerobics at the Mooserwirt

Aerobics at the Mooserwirt

The place: St Anton, the time: apres-ski, the venue: the Mooserwirt, where DJ Gerhard (70+ and still a spring chicken) hits the beat with the most fantastic KrautRock you’ll ever hear. No-one can resist, as Clem so ably demonstrates above.

Fun for all the family

Fun for all the family

Charles struts his stuff

Charles struts his stuff

Rose struts her stuff too...

Rose admires her nude stirrer…

This is the place where everyone knows the words and the actions to Schwimm, Schwimm and Wir wollen die Eisbaeren sehen, yes indeed, German seems to come easily, especially when lubricated with much beer. (Should have dragged the boys here last time – they could do with some German!)

Brother & sister boogie

Brother & sister boogie

Like mother like daughter

Like mother like daughter

Happiness reigns

Happiness reigns

I’m blaming the booze for the poor quality of the photos, but they do seem to capture the spirit of the place. Speaking of alcohol – my daughter (13 going on 25) knows what she likes…

before, and...

before, and…



Inevitably the fine Reinheitsgebot beer has its effect and the dancing gets wilder. We should quit before it all goes too far.

Ooops, too late

Ooops, too late

Wein, Weib und Gesang...

Wein, Weib und Gesang…


I wonder if next year’s skiing will be as raucous? Hope so!

(Adam - pissed as a fart...) Prost!

(Adam – pissed as a fart…) Prost!