Tag Archives: the dales

Truly, God’s County….

Ah, I keep waxing lyrical about landscapes elsewhere. It’s because I’m a travel junky… But the dramatic and the sublime don’t have to be that far away. My own birth county is a great example. Yorkshire – beauty and drama, everywhere.

Yorkshire limestone

Conistone limestone


This landscape is wild and haunting. In the two hours I was at Conistone it blew a gale, hailed, rained, battered me until I was frozen. Good for clearing the mind and breathing deeply – easy to imagine Heathcliff and Cathy not far from here!

Almscliffe Crag

Almscliffe Crag


All these grykes and clints forming run off lines into the distance. A photographer’s paradise. And then the sun comes out, and it’s sublime…

Grykes and Clints

Grykes and Clints


Truly, God’s County…